Frankie is a 20-year-old nonbinary youth from Delaware who travels to Philly a lot to meet with friends and a couple folks he sees romantically. One of his current partners disclosed to him that he tested positive for HIV. Frankie is worried about the results, so they’ve been avoiding getting tested. It’s been about a month since the partner disclosed their diagnoses.

Interviewer: Hey Frankie. So tell me what’s going on?

Frankie:  Well, this person I’ve been seeing just told me he is HIV-positive. I’m scared as f***. What am I supposed to do? He’s telling me I need to get tested, but I’m scared. What if I have it? What if I can’t get help? What if people don’t wanna chill with me anymore? I just don’t know what to do.

Interviewer: Ok. Frankie, I understand that you are scared, and you don’t know what to do right now. But, maybe I can help. First let’s talk about getting tested. You’re saying that you are afraid that you may test positive. Do you know that you can take meds that can make it so you can’t transmit it to others?

Frankie: I didn’t know that. I thought that once you have it, you can always give it to others. My uncle said that meds don’t work that way.

Interviewer: That’s not true. The only way you can transmit HIV to someone else is if you have unprotected sex, and not being consistent with your medication. But consistent medication and making sure you protect yourself by using condoms and PrEP, can help you get to an undetectable status.

Frankie: So, you mean I won’t die or get sick? All I have to do is stay on my medication?

Interviewer: Well, first things first, we have to get you tested. I’m going to give you a list of places you can go to get an STI screening.

Frankie: They’ll test me for everything?

Interviewer: That is correct. You won’t know what to do about anything, unless you know what’s going  on. So we have to get you tested. Do have friends who would be willing to go with you for your appointment?

Frankie: Yes, actually. My cousin is like my best friend. She’s the first person I told after the guy told me what happened. I know she will come with me. I wanna go as soon as possible so I can figure the rest of this out. I’m so angry!

Interviewer: I can understand that, but the best way to overcome doubt Is knowledge. Let’s get you set up to get tested first, and then we can figure out the rest.

Frankie: Ok, I guess. I’m still scared. But I have to find out the truth. Thanks.