OK2BU Stories
Alumna Story: Katrina
My name is Katrina, and I first learned about The Attic in 1996 when The Attic Speakers Bureau (now The Bryson Institute) did a sensitivity training for a group of… Read more “Alumna Story: Katrina”

Youth Story: Margot
Hi, my name is Margot and my pronouns are she/he/they/it. I started coming to The Attic four years ago. I had just come out at the time, in middle school,… Read more “Youth Story: Margot”

Youth Story: AnDrea
Hey, Hey, my name is AnDrea Williams and I’m a Trans Woman of Color. My pronouns are She/Her. I have been going to The Attic Youth Center for 5+ years. … Read more “Youth Story: AnDrea”

Youth Story: Jalyn
Hi everyone, my name is Jalyn. Before Covid I have been coming to the attic since August of 2019. The attic has helped me in a lot of good ways,… Read more “Youth Story: Jalyn”

Youth Story: Anaiia
Growing up, I always had an attraction to women but because of my Christian upbringing I questioned it. I never really felt accepted at home, school, or even with friends.… Read more “Youth Story: Anaiia”

Alumni Story: Kyle
When I was in middle school I came out to someone I thought I could trust, and they outed me to the guy I liked. I thought it would feel… Read more “Alumni Story: Kyle”

Youth Story: Alex
When I was 14, I had a friend who had heard of The Attic and wanted to go, but had no one to go with. Though I had no idea… Read more “Youth Story: Alex”

Alumni Story: Ibrahim
Seven years ago, I found The Attic Youth Center in a row home nestled snuggly between a restaurant and apartment building in downtown Philadelphia. As a 16-year-old black gay teenager… Read more “Alumni Story: Ibrahim”

Youth Story: Micah
Finding The Attic Youth Center was like finding a piece of myself that I never knew was there. The Attic helped me open my mind as a queer feminist leader… Read more “Youth Story: Micah”

Youth Story: Pau’laijha
I started coming to The Attic when I was 15. I was lost and depressed, just looking for new friends to share my summer with. As someone who’s shy, coming… Read more “Youth Story: Pau’laijha”

Youth Story: Adrianna
I have never in my life felt safer or more accepted then at The Attic. I’ve never felt more involved, more useful to the cause of making LGBTQ youth voices… Read more “Youth Story: Adrianna”

Youth Story: Robert
In 11th grade, I made one of the best decisions of my life- I came to The Attic. I was scared and overwhelmed- dealing with coming out to unsupportive family… Read more “Youth Story: Robert”

Alumni Story: Tonia
I attended The Attic’s 20th Anniversary Gala in November and was awed by the fact that what I helped to build twenty years ago has grown into such a vital… Read more “Alumni Story: Tonia”

Youth Story: Stuart
Growing up, I never thought I would have to worry about whether people liked me or not. I always thought that as long as I did the right thing, things… Read more “Youth Story: Stuart”

Youth Story: Oberon
When I was thirteen, I came out to my family. My grandmother, who I am very close to, didn’t like the fact that I was gay and this hurt me.… Read more “Youth Story: Oberon”

Youth Story: Giselle
In 2012, I had a really bad year at school. It was my 9thgrade year and I had just started at a new high school. I had come out as… Read more “Youth Story: Giselle”

Youth Story: Andre
I first became aware of my sexual identity when I was in high school. At the time, I was not open about it and did not know how to express… Read more “Youth Story: Andre”

Youth Story: Kevin
I came out as a lesbian during my senior year of high school. It was difficult, but I had a few close friends who I could count on. However, a… Read more “Youth Story: Kevin”

Youth Story: Alannah
I had my first crush on a girl in elementary school. I would do everything she would do. When she joined the basketball team, I joined. When she was in… Read more “Youth Story: Alannah”

Youth Story: Khalil
When I was ten years old — an age where many kids are happy — I was often sad and fearful. At this age, I first realized that I was… Read more “Youth Story: Khalil”