Sabri came to this PHRESH Community Promise Interview with a lot of knowledge about Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP,) and is contemplating taking the medication, but wants to review more options. Our PHRESH Interviewer has offered to give more concrete information on options for PrEP and set Sabri up with a new appointment to get back on his PrEP medication.

Interviewer: Good afternoon, Sabri! Thanks for agreeing to do this interview with me. Today I want ask you some questions about PrEP.

Sabri: Ooh wow (chuckles)

Interviewer: Ok we might take that part out lol. Have you ever heard of PrEP?

Sabri: Yes, I have heard of PrEP. I have talked to my doctor about it and getting on it. I am very interested in getting on it [PrEP]. I have been to The Attic during the time they had a sexual health support group, and they talked about PrEP, different STIs and how we can prevent them. Basically, that was my first interaction with any information on PrEP.

Interviewer: Are you currently taking PrEP?

Sabri: No. I have been contemplating going to my primary care doctor and get a new prescription, but no, currently I am not taking PrEP

Interviewer: Ok. What do you already know about PrEP?

Sabri: I know that PrEP is a prevention tool to help with the prevention of HIV, and it is readily available, and comes in a few different forms, like pills or injectables, and has different names of course.  It’s not an end-all-be-all, you should still use protection [condoms], but it is yet another option for prevention of HIV [infection].

Interviewer: It seems like you are quite knowledgeable about PrEP. Id like to assist you in the process of getting your scripts for PrEP again, is that okay?

Sabri: I mean, I guess. I want to know what my options are first before I can make a decision. I am not sure how I’d like to take the actual medication.

Interviewer: That’s understandable. Maybe when you speak to your primary care doctor again, they can help you see what option might work best for you. Some ppl prefer injectables over pills, because you don’t have to take it as often and it tends to be easier to schedule.

Sabri: Well, that makes sense. I will ask them at my next appointment.

Interviewer: That’s what I’m talking about! That’s great. Well Sabri, that’s all the time I have for today, thanks so much!