Loko, as his friends call him, is a 21 yr old trans guy from Northeast Philly. He just recently started dating as a guy, after going through a period of celibacy while he transitioned. Part of this journey was him also realizing he was pansexual. He’s been reading up on PrEP, and is talking with his partner, who may have some dated opinions about PrEP use.

Interviewer: Hey Loko! Congrats on transitioning! I know this journey has been fulfilling so far.

Loko: Yeah, it’s been one hell of a path to tread. But I am learning to love myself in a new way, and my partner has been such a great support…well in some ways..

Interviewer: Really? Say more.

Loko: Well, don’t get me wrong, they’ve been amazing during my transition. Attentive, caring, supportive. Taking me to my appointments, helping me pick out binders. Helping me regulate emotionally. Listening to me rant about any and everything. But now that I am ready to be [sexually] active again, I really want to consider taking PrEP, but they’ve been acting crazy and saying some weird things…even saying that “PrEP just gives people excuses to be irresponsible!” But isn’t using PrEP taking a step in the right direction? Like, to not be irresponsible? I just get frustrated and walk away.

Interviewer: Why does your partner think this? Has he ever explained his position?

Loko: He says the people he knows were still having unprotected sex and getting infections so it must not work the way everyone claims.

Interviewer: I see. So this is not an uncommon thought process around PrEP usage. Most people have been misinformed about how to use PrEP, so when they do still get other STI’s, or test positive for HIV, they don’t consider that they’ve not been using it consistently or have not been using condoms + using PrEP.

Loko: You know what? I’m going to try this conversation with my partner again. I want them to know that I am very serious about us, and about our health. Maybe with this info I can bring them around and get them to consider it.

Interviewer: Great! Let me know how it works out!

Update: The couple have started using PrEP and Loko’s partner is now talking to all their friends about it and reading everything they can find about it, to further educate themselves.