Kyree is 19 yrs old and is sexually active but uses condoms regularly. He’s heard of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP,) but wasn’t sure if he needed to take it, as he sees it as simply “extra protection”. Our PHRESH Interviewer will talk with Kyree about why condom use, and taking PrEP can be beneficial.

Interviewer: Good morning, Kyree! Thanks for coming in today. For this interview, can you state your name, age, and pronouns for me?

Kyree: Yes, of course. My name is Kyree, I’m 19 & my pronouns are he/him.

Interviewer: Ok, thanks. So I wanted to talk to you about safe sex today. Tell me what you know about it?

Kyree: Well, duh! Condoms, the little plastic things for when you’re eating someone out? What’s those things called again?

Interviewer: You mean Dental Dams?

Kyree: Yeah, those. I used to get them in all the flavors. But yes, I am well aware of safe sex options.

Interviewer: Oh! So you’ve heard of PrEP? Are you currently taking it?

Kyree: I mean I have heard of it, but I figured since I use condoms all the time, I wouldn’t need to take PrEP. I’ve heard my friends talk about it, but I am not sure if that’s a direction I want to take yet.

Interviewer: So what have your friends been saying about PrEP?

Kyree: Basically that it makes them feel even safer when they are having sex, and it they get to have all the questions they may have answered when they go to get tested. Honestly, I want to give it a try, but I think I’d like to read more about it. Do I need a different doctor for this? Can I talk to my doctor I have now about PrEP?

Interviewer: I think you can! Most doctors are pretty aware of PrEP and can answer any and all questions. What were some of your apprehensions about taking PrEP? Like, what made you unsure?

Kyree: Honestly? I just didn’t think I would need it. I am not in a relationship right now, and I figured if I was in one, that is when I would talk to my partner about it. Didn’t really see the need for PrEP since I always wrap it up and make sure others I’m dealing with do the same.  So, is it basically just another layer of protection? Could I take PrEP and not use condoms anymore?

Interviewer: Not exactly. It is recommended that you still use condoms in conjunction with taking PrEP.  While PrEP does help prevent the transmission of HIV to people who are HIV-negative, it doesn’t protect you from other sexually transmitted infections, like chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.

Kyree: Oh ok, so it’s not an “all around” pill then, huh? I’ll still think this over more, but I will definitely be bringing this up to my doctor on my next visit. I will see them in a few weeks.  

Interviewer: Ok that’s what’s up! I’m glad you are going to talk to your doctor about this more. But yes- USE CONDOMS as well! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview with me!

Kyree: Sure, no problem! I have some things to think over, but I am happy I talked with you today.