Hex is a 20-yr old, gender diverse kid from South Jersey. Hex just came out to his family about a year and a half ago and loves to learn new things. Hex has a friend of his who just found out about Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and has been talking to them about it. Hex is sexually active, uses condoms when they have them.

Interviewer: So, tell me a little about yourself.

Hex: My name is Hex and I’m 20 years old. I came out to my parents as nonbinary like the summer of 2022, my mom was cool with it…my dad not so much, but we are all good now.

Interviewer: That’s cool.  So what’s it been like connecting with your community? Have you made any new friends?

Hex: Not really, so far. I do have a best friend of mine I have known since elementary school. He’s a year older than me, but to be honest I am the more mature one. He is always doing crazy stuff. He’s also helped me educate myself on safe sex and what options are out there.

Interviewer: That sounds like a pretty cool friend that cares. So, is it safe to say that you are sexually active?

Hex:  Yes, actually. I try to use condoms when I can, but I have been looking up other options to be safe.  I know about PrEP, but is it really a good move? Like… I don’t really know…

Interviewer: Well, I think so, a lot of my friends are on PrEP, and their doctors are very helpful in helping them understand why PrEP is important.

Hex: See? My bestie was saying that too! He has friends that are on PrEP, but they still use condoms too. I think I should be more adamant about condoms though, too. Someone he knows just tested positive

Interviewer: Oh? Tested positive for what?

Hex: HIV…my bestie was pretty sad about it. I’m scared it may happen to me too. What should I do?

Interviewer: There are ways to stay safe out here. PrEP, plus consistent condom usage is a great option.

Hex: But why both? If they both prevent HIV infection?

Interviewer: That is only partially true: Yes, both PrEP and condoms both can prevent HIV transmission, but PrEP doesn’t prevent the transmission of other STI’s- like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia…you know, those kinds…

Hex: Oh for real? This is good to know. I’m calling my best friend tonight after work. Maybe I need to talk to my doctor about this!

Interviewer: That’s a good idea. Let’s set up an appointment soon so we can follow up on your doctor’s visit. Thanks for interviewing with me today, Hex!