Vinnie is a 22-yr old person who not only consistently uses condoms, and all other safer sex barriers, and is on Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP,) but also talks to their clients about taking PrEP as well. Our PHRESH Interviewer is talking with Vinnie about their story, and what options they prefer when taking PrEP.

Interviewer: Good morning, Vinnie! Took you a while but you finally made it to an interview! So I’m going to ask you a few questions, is that okay?

Vinnie: Sure, no problem.

Interview: Ok great. So can you tell me your name, age and pronouns?

Vinnie: My name is Vinnie and I’m 22 years old. My pronouns are he/they

Interviewer: Ok thanks so much. So I wanted to talk to you today about safe sex and what those options look like. So I know you are aware of the importance of safe sex, do you know your options?

Vinnie: Yes, absolutely. Safe Sex is cool, too! Condoms, dental dams, finger condoms, PrEP…that’s what I am currently taking.

Interviewer: Oh! So you are taking PrEP?

Vinnie: Yes, yes I am. I mean I have always been a person who keeps condoms on deck and uses them regularly, especially since I’m out here getting money. I just figured taking PrEP as well would be an additional option

Interviewer: Oh ok…now, you mentioned that you’re “out here getting money”?

Vinnie: Yeah I do work during the day at this store not far from my house, but I do massages and other activities for money on the side. You know what I mean, right?

Interviewer: I mean I think so. So I’m guessing you mean sex work?

Vinnie: Well, yeah… if you wanna be all technical about it. But I always make sure I am safe. I get guys all the time who want more after I give them a massage, and a few have tried to convince me to go in them raw, but I’m not with all that. You gotta wrap it up. One dude even told me that he does this all the time and never uses condoms, and he’s never caught anything. I talked to him about PrEP as well. He can’t be out here being risky.

Interviewer: Oh really! That’s pretty good! And you know there are several options for PrEP out there. I love talking to folks about the different PrEP options. You did good by offering that to your client, we have to spread awareness anyway that we can. Each one, teach one.

Vinnie: You’re absolutely right. We can’t be playing around out here. The risk is not worth it.

Interviewer: So do you take pills or injections for PrEP?

Vinnie: I prefer the shot; I take it once a month. It’s just easier for me because I travel a lot and my doctor always reminds me in advance when my next appointment is for my treatment, so it makes it easier for me to schedule around.

Interviewer: That’s awesome! I’m glad you are staying on top of this! That’s all the questions I have for today. Thanks so much for your time, Vinnie.

Vinnie: Thanks, no problem!